The European Green Party Membership Survey is an academic project with the aim to compare the political background and views of green party members across Europe and around the world. The first cross-national survey of green party members was conducted in 2002-2003 in which members of 18 parties in 15 countries were surveyed.
Further information on this first survey (EGPM I), including a documentation of all questionnaires used and a summary of the main results, can be found here.
Since 2003, green politics has developed further, and thus it seems appropriate to conduct new surveys to analyse the changes and continuities over the last two decades. A further cross-national membership survey is currently at the planning stage.
For further information on the European Green Party Membership survey, please contact Dr Wolfgang Rüdig School of Government and Public Policy University of Strathclyde 16 Richmond Street Glasgow G1 1XQ Scotland E-mail: Tel: (+44) 141 548 2918