View EGPM I results
During 2002 and 2003, an international research team conducted surveys of green party members in 15 countries. Members of a total of 18 separate green parties took part in the project, with more than 8,000 completed questionnaires received.
The project covers all five green parties that were in national government in Western Europe in the late 1990s and early 2000s (Finland, Italy, France, Germany, and Belgium). Other parties taking part were the green parties of Ireland, Scotland, England and Wales, the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, Austria and Greece. In addition, members of two regional green parties in Spain (Andalucia and Valencia) were surveyed. Outside of Europe, surveys were also completed in New Zealand and New South Wales (Australia).
Funding for the project was provided by the British Academy, under its Large Research Grant programme. Additional support was obtained from the Research Development Fund of the University of Strathclyde. Some individual national teams also received additional support from their home institutions. Furthermore, the British Academy provided financial support to allow researchers to meet after the completion of the fieldwork to facilitate the preparation of publications under its International Network programme. We are most grateful to the British Academy and to our home institutions for all the support received. We also thank all green party members who have taken the time and trouble to complete our questionnaires and take part in the survey.
The aim was to field the same questions in each country to allow for meaningful comparisons. A 'common core questionnaire' was developed to define a set of questions to be fielded in all countries. Each individual team was free to add further questions of mainly national interest. The 'common core questionnaire' as well as all questionnaires fielded by national teams in this project are documented on this site which also includes information on all members of the research team.
International Co-ordination
Wolfgang Rüdig Department of Government University of Strathclyde 16 Richmond Street Glasgow G1 1XQ UK
Tel.: +44 141 548 2918 Fax: +44 141-552 5677 E-mail:
Green NSW (New South Wales)
Ariadne Vromen Department of Government and International Relations School of Social and Political Sciences Faculty of Arts The University of Sydney Room 289 Merewether Building H04 Sydney NSW 2006 Australia
Tel: +61 2 9351 6602 Fax: +61 2 9351 3624 Email:
Die Grünen (The Greens)
Wolfgang C Müller Political Science Chair III University of Mannheim Seminargebäude A5 68131 Mannheim Germany
Tel: +49 621 181 2082 Fax: +49 621 181 2080 Email:
Jo Buelens Vakgroep Politieke Wetenschappen VUB Pleinlann 2 1050 Brussel Belgium
Tel: +32 2 629 2058 Email:
Benoît Rihoux Centre de Politique Comparée Université Catholique de Louvain (UCL) 1/7 Place Montesquieu 1348 Louvain-la-Neuve Belgium
Tel: +32 10 47 4190 Fax: +32 10 47 4603 Email:
Vihreä Liitto (Green League)
Jukka Paastela Department of Political Science and International Relations 33014 University of Tampere Finland
Tel: +358 3 3551 7343 / 6417 Fax: +358 3 3551 6552 Email:
Les Verts (The Greens)
Daniel Boy Centre d'étude de la vie politique française (CEVIPOF) 98, rue de l'Université 75007 Paris France
Tel: +33 1 45 49 77 25 Fax: +33 1 42 22 07 64 Email:
Bündnis '90/Die Grünen (Alliance 90/The Greens)
Tel: +44 141 548 2918 Fax: +44 141 552 5677 Email:
????????? ???s???? (Ecologists-Greens)
Iosif Botetzagias Department of Environment University of the Aegean University Hill 81100 Mytilini Greece
Tel/Fax: +30 22510 36294 Email:
Green Party / Comhaontas Glas
John Garry School of Politics, International Studies and Philosophy Queen's University Belfast 19-21 University Square Belfast BT7 1PA UK
Tel: +44 28 9097 1086 Fax: +44 28 9023 5357 Email:
Federazione dei Verdi (Federation of the Greens)
Roberto Biorcio Dipartimento di Sociologia e Ricerca Sociale Facoltà di Sociologia Università degli Studi Milano - Bicocca Edificio U7 Via Bicocca degli Arcimboldi, 8 20126 Milano Italy
Tel: +39 02 6448 7547 Fax: +39 02 6448 7547 Email:
The Netherlands
Groen-Links (Green Left)
Paul Lucardie Documentation Centre Dutch Political Parties University of Groningen PO Box 559 9700 AN Groningen The Netherlands
Tel: +31 50 363 6830 Fax: +31 50 363 7256 Email:
Wijbrandt H. van Schuur Department of Sociology/ICS University of Groningen Grote Rozenstraat 31 9712 TG Groningen The Netherlands
Tel: +31 50 363 6469 (6436) Fax: +31 50 363 6226 Email:
New Zealand
Green Party of Aotearoa New Zealand
Tim Bale Politics and Contemporary European Studies University of Sussex Brighton BN1 9SJ UK
Tel: +44 1273 87 3974 Fax: +44 1273 67 3563 Email:
De Grønne (The Greens)
Gunnar Grendstad Department of Comparative Politics University of Bergen Christies gt. 15 5007 Bergen Norway
Tel: +47 55 589486 / 82175 / 82178 Fax: +47 55 589425 Email:
Los Verdes de Andalucía (Greens of Andalucia); Los Verdes del Pais Valenciano (Greens of the Valencian Community)
Luis Ramiro Fernández Departamento de Ciencia Política y de la Administración Universidad de Murcia Ronda de Levante 10 30008 Murcia Spain
Tel: +34 968 39 83 58 Fax: +34 968 39 8391 Email:
Laura Morales Diez de Ulzurrun Institute for Social Change University of Manchester Oxford Road Manchester M13 9PL UK
Tel: +44 161 306 6932 Email:
Miljöpartiet - De Gröna (Environment Party - the Greens)
Anders Widfeldt Dept of Politics and International Relations University of Aberdeen Edward Wright Building Aberdeen AB24 3QY UK
Tel: +44 1224 273312 Fax: +44 1224 272181 Email:
Green Party of England and Wales
Scottish Green Party
Lynn Bennie Dept of Politics and International Relations University of Aberdeen Edward Wright Building Aberdeen AB24 3QY UK
Tel: +44 1224 273312 Fax: +44 1224 272181 Email: